Open up new sales potentials!

More than half of the 48 million vehicles registered in Germany have dents and dings that you can easily and profitably remove with paint damage-free dent removal technology. With dent removal as an additional service, you increase customer loyalty and attract new customers to your business.


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Advantages and technology

PDR training courses

Since 1997, over 3,500 employees from more than 1,000 companies have successfully participated in our training courses for paint damage-free dent removal technology. In addition to our 2-day basic training courses, we also offer individual training for advanced users.

Enter the growth market of “dent removal without painting” now with an AOL basic training course.

We make you FIT. Guaranteed.

before after

What does PDR get you?

Increase the utilization rate of your workshop staff now through the targeted, ACTIVE marketing of your service.

Especially in today’s difficult situation, dent removal without painting is an ideal tool for sustainably improving customer loyalty and acquiring new customers.

PDR is also an effective means of attracting owners of segment II and III vehicles to the workshop and increasing customer loyalty.

Made in Germany!

CARBON dent removal levers are of course “Made in Germany” and are manufactured exclusively for us by the tool specialist Carl Walter. In addition to dent removal tools for every application and sophisticated accessories, CARBON regularly offers practical training courses and seminars throughout Germany.

» Paintless Dent Removal. Get in now.

It goes without saying that we are continuously developing our products for paint damage-free dent removal technology in collaboration with professional “pushers”.

Limits of technology

One thing is certain. For professional “dent pressing” you need
It takes a lot of practice and experience, even after training.
However, the limits of what is feasible are fluid.

Our coaches have already pressed “eggs” that would make any body repairer’s face sweat. If the paint is damaged, pressing is still ideal for paint preparation.

Tool Sets


Article no. CBS-001

with multifunction lamp

Article no. CBS-002

with LED lamp

The starter set contains 25 dent removal levers plus a basic accessory set.

The PDR basic set with multifunction lamp is approved by VW in the Volkswagen Clever Repair program under VAS 6334. (Order no. ASE 435 111 00 000)


Article no. CPS-005

with multifunction lamp

Article no. CPS-006

with LED lamp

This set for the ambitious user contains 40 dent removal levers, basic accessory set incl. Swivel stool.

The PDR professional set with multifunction lamp is approved by VW in the Volkswagen Clever Repair program under VAS 6333. (Order no. ASE 435 109 00 000)


Article no. CXL-006

with multifunction lamp

Article no. CXL-007

with LED lamp

For the dent removal professional, the basic accessory set with 61 dent removal levers plus CZ-130 swivel stool leaves nothing to be desired.

The PDR basic set with multifunction lamp is approved by VW in the Volkswagen Clever Repair program under VAS 6334. (Order no. ASE 435 108 00 000)

Special accessories

Dent mirror

Artikel-Nr. Beschreibung
CZ-170 Ø 100 cm

Carbon Titanium Hammer

Artikel‑Nr. Beschreibung
CZ‑180 Qualitativ hochwertiger und perfekt ausbalancierter Hammer aus 100 % Titan mit einem edlen Griff aus Eschenholz

Scissor buck

Artikel-Nr. Beschreibung
CZ-151 multifunktional

Compressed air door cushions


Teflon impact tool

Artikel-Nr. Beschreibung
CZ-112m mit Metallkern

Teflon striking tool, big

Artikel-Nr. Beschreibung
CZ-112XL Länge: 155 mm, Ø 16,5 mm

Disk chute/
Plastic wedges

Artikel-Nr. Beschreibung
CZ-113 Scheibenschachtkeil, 60 mm
CZ-122a Zierleisten-Kunststoffkeil, 30 mm
CZ-122b Zierleisten-Kunststoffkeil, abgewinkelt

Vacuum counter bearing

Artikel-Nr. Beschreibung
CZ-141a mit Pumpe
CZ-141b ohne Pumpe

Foil eraser 2,600 rpm

Item no. Description
601066 Professional tool for gentle on the paint removal of stickers, rally and design strips. The gear ratio is especially adapted to the rubber discs #700726 and #700727.

Rubber washer / badge cleaner

Item no. Description
700726 Smooth – for removing gluing residues, stickers and large-area labelings, without damaging the paint.

Rubber washer / badge cleaner

Item no. Description
700727 Ribbed – ensures even more effective removal.

Drill adapter for rubber washer / badge cleaner

Item no. Description
700728 With this adapter, the rubber disc can be operated on any drilling machine.



25 Ausbeulhebel, inkl. Basis-Zubehörset

CBS-001 / VAS 6334 mit Multifunktionslampe

CPS-002 mit LED-Lampe

25 Ausbeulhebel

Artikel‑Nr. Bezeichnung Farbe Beschreibung
CBL‑01‑0225‑05 Blade‑Tool blau Griff rechts
CBL‑05‑0415‑06 Blade‑Tool blau Griff rechts
CBL‑08‑0415‑06 Blade‑Tool blau Griff links
CBL‑12‑0225‑05 Blade‑Tool blau Griff links
CBL‑13‑0155‑03 Blade‑Tool blau Griff rechts
CBL‑14‑0285‑03 Blade‑Tool blau Griff rechts
CBL‑21‑0285‑03 Blade‑Tool blau Griff links
CBL‑22‑0155‑03 Blade‑Tool blau Griff links
CBL‑23‑0185‑05 Blade‑Tool blau getaucht
CBL‑24‑0112‑05 Blade‑Tool blau getaucht
CBL‑25‑0200‑05 Blade‑Tool blau getaucht
CBL‑28‑0835‑05 Blade‑Tool blau getaucht
CBL‑30‑0480‑05 Blade‑Tool blau getaucht
CBL‑33‑0850‑11 Blade‑Tool blau getaucht
CBL‑34‑0685‑10 Blade‑Tool blau getaucht
CCU‑40‑0760‑08 Cutter‑Tool schwarz Griff links
CCU‑41‑0480‑08 Cutter‑Tool schwarz Griff links
CBA‑43‑0830‑11 Ball‑Tool grün getaucht
CBA‑44‑0685‑10 Ball‑Tool grün getaucht
CTR‑54‑0680‑10 Tri‑Point gelb getaucht
CKN‑56‑0920‑10 Knife‑Tool rot getaucht
CST‑58‑0300‑35 Strebenhebel schwarz