Now even more efficient!

More Robust & Lighter


Repair in perfection!

Innovation and Know-How

made by miracle europeOur brand new CBR is made of pure carbon and carbon fiber-reinforced plastic components with an innovative honeycomb structure. Thanks to the unrivaled ergonomics of the incredibly light yet extremely strong pulling tools, repairers can straighten better and faster in the shortest possible time.

The CBR is a proprietary development of Carbon GmbH, the leading expert in body repair with over 4,500 customers worldwide and the result of over 20 years of experience in body repair and constant cooperation with car dealerships, body and paint stores, expert organizations and car manufacturers.

Repairing instead of replacing
completely redefined

It has never been easier to achieve perfect repair results and more added value than with this high-quality complete workstation for modern body repair.

carbon cbr system uebersicht flexible erweiterung neu 2
LineTool 160
Additional train units
for LineTool 100 and 160
LineTool 100
Supports for EasyTool
Flexible extension for StrongTool and LineTool

The complete workstation
for steel and aluminum

The extremely low weight of the CBR tensile components significantly reduces the effort required for everyday straightening work. An employee can easily work alone with the StrongTool or the LineTool. Positioning the pulling tools – especially when working overhead – is radically easier and absolutely fatigue-free compared to similar systems.

The newly developed towing components and extensive range of accessories give the repairer significantly more flexibility when carrying out repairs, whether on cars, SUVs or commercial vehicles.

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CBR system: Perfect repair of a Porsche side panel

Extrem flexible

Thanks to its low weight, it can also be used across a width of 1.6 meters without any problems. The flexible feet adapt perfectly to the shape of the sill.

The LineTool 100 with a length of one meter is supplemented by two pulling units, flexible in use thanks to the new quick attachment.

The LineTool 160 with two additional pulling units and the StrongTool.


for the new Carbon CBR-System
Suitable for everyone

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user – you never stop learning and there’s no getting around sound specialist knowledge in the bodywork industry.

We provide theoretical and practical training on how to use the system profitably and efficiently.

Upcoming dates
No dates at the moment
Carbon Schulung Stahl IMG 9747

We convinced you?


Der CBR-System Rundgang

CBR Komponenten

CBR StrongTool
Artikel-Nr. CBR-ST-00

Einzelfuß für CBR StrongTool
Artikel-Nr. ST-30

Doppelfuß für CBR StrongTool
Artikel-Nr. ST-60

Erweiterungsset CBR StrongTool
Artikel-Nr. ST-80
*nur in CBR-021