Alurepair Visar

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3 in 1 - now with even more power

Modern car bodies in multi-material design [MMD] require a great deal of expertise as well as first-class and innovative repair solutions. AluRepair VISAR, the globally unique, high-performance 3-in-1 system, can be used to weld aluminum bits as well as threaded, ground and device carrier studs up to Ø 12 mm and also to set special pull-out studs for the rapid removal of self-pierce rivets. We provide you with the right know-how for MMD and aluminum repair in our training courses and seminars!

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The evolution - the Carbon Alurepair concept

3 systems, 3 national awards - from pioneer to benchmark

The evolution of Carbon’s AluRepair concept began in 2008 with the first AluRepair system, which made it possible for the first time to apply specially alloyed aluminum bits to aluminum surfaces. Many tests and the final approval by AUDI laid the solid foundation for the continuous further development of the AluRepair devices up to today’s quality level. This development makes the AluRepair system not only the No. 1 in aluminum repair but also the benchmark in accident repairs.

Federal Prize 2008

alurepair 4879 35 1
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Alurepair plus
Federal Prize 2015

AluRepairPlus 2016 carbon 5622
bprmed klein

Alurepair Visar
Federal Prize 2018

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Everyone is talking about it, we'll show you how!

alurepair visar schaubild reparatur
alurepair alu bit technologie

Aluminum bit technology

alurepair stanznietenziehen

Self-pierce rivet pulling

alurepair bolzenschweissen

Stud welding

The bolt chaos in the workshop is getting bigger and bigger since many spare parts are delivered without the necessary bolts. In practice, these are often not welded properly with MIG / MAG devices. The VISAR welds device carrier, threaded or ground studs from a wide range of manufacturers made of steel and aluminum up to 12 mm in diameter: simply enter the manufacturer’s spare part number and weld immediately with absolute process reliability!

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The AluRepair Plus advantages at a glance


Invest cleverly

With AluRepair and the Miracle repair concept for sheet steel, you create the technical and economic basis for increasing returns and more added value in your business. Gain a competitive advantage and market your aluminum expertise to insurers, fleet customers and your private end customers.

German State Award 2015 & 2018

The AluRepair CMA-100 was awarded the federal prize for “Outstanding innovation for the trade” in 2008 and the AluRepair plus CMA-200 in 2015. The AluRepair Visar CMA-1200 received this award in 2018.

Certified by automotive manufacturers

AluRepair plus is approved by various car manufacturers and is prescribed as a repair standard.

Stud welding

In addition to welding on the Miracle aluminum bits, the AluRepair system is ideal for welding on ground, threaded, stud and tool carrier bolts made of steel, stainless steel or aluminum. Thanks to the high device output of 1,200 A, studs up to Ø 12 mm can be set reliably.

Punch rivets pulling

Body parts are often joined together at the factory using self-pierce rivets. Attaching stainless steel bolts with the AluRepair system to pull the rivets cleanly is quicker, cleaner and easier than the time-consuming drilling of the connection points.

Included accessories

Repair examples

AluRepair repair example – side panel

Repairing the side damage on this Ferrari 360 Spider is a real challenge for any mechanic. The owner wanted to avoid the usual replacement of the door and side panel at all costs.

The clear advantages of repairing the original parts compared to replacing the damaged parts convinced the customer. During the subsequent visual inspection, he was extremely impressed by the repair quality.

Alurepair Visar

Technische Daten

Schweißbereich Ø 2 – 12 mm, M3 – M12
Schweißmaterial Stahl (unlegiert und legiert), Aluminium
Schweißstrom 1.200 A (max)
Stromeinstellbereich 25 – 1.200 A
Schweißzeit 5 – 1.500 ms (stufenlos)
Anschluss 200 bis 600 V, 3 Phasen, 50/60 Hz
Kühlart F (thermisch gesteuerter Lüfter)
Schutzart IP 23 (erlaubt auch den Gebrauch im Freien)
Temp.-bereich der Umgebungsluft 0 °C bis 40 °C
Maße 430 x 288 x 246 mm (ohne Kabel)
Gewicht 18,5 kg

Lieferumfang CMA-1200

Artikel‑Nr. Beschreibung
CMA-1200 Leistungseinheit CMA-1200 für das Bolzenschweißen mit Hubzündung Schweißpistole mit Bitaufnahme Schlauchpaket Gasschlauch
CMA-142 Systemwagen
CMA-160 Druckregler
CMA-252 Gasschlauch
CMA-150 Pyrometer
CMA-137 Alu-Bits-Set (14 Sorten á 50 Stück)
CMA-170 Bolzenhalter 4 mm
CMA-171 Bolzenhalter 5 mm
CMA-172 Bolzenhalter 6 mm
CMA-175 Bolzenhalter 8 mm
CMA-176 Bolzenhalter 10 mm
CMA-177 Gasrohr 42 mm für Bolzen 4 / 5 / 6 mm
CMA-175-1 Gasrohr 48 mm für Bolzen 8 mm
CMA-176-1 Gasrohr 58 mm für Bolzen 10 mm
CMA-178 Bolzenhalter 4 mm für Zugbolzen
CMA-179 Bolzenhalter 5 mm für Zugbolzen
CMA-181 Bolzenhalter 6 mm für Zugbolzen
CMA-178-1 Gasrohr 110 mm für Zugbolzen
CMA-155 Schneider für Aluminium Bits
CMA-120 Zughaken für EasyPuller
CMA-130 Thermochromstift
MS-U-B16 Einziehelektrode Aluminium (12x72 mm)
MS-U-B17 Einziehelektrode Edelstahl (12x72 mm)

Zugbolzen, Edelstahl
(jeweils 50 Stück)

Artikel-Nr. Beschreibung
CMA-193 4 x 45 mm
CMA-194 5 x 45 mm