State-of-the-art body joining technology

carmig 2000 detail
MIG brazing - MAG steel welding - MIG aluminum welding - the best solution for every task!

The development of new materials is progressing ever more rapidly. The flood of materials in the automotive industry is partly due to the aim of reducing fuel consumption. For the most part, this can only be achieved by minimizing weight. Other points are safety, aerodynamics and rigidity, which require the use of new materials.

Car workshop personnel are literally overwhelmed, sometimes even overtaxed, by these new developments. Often people are not even aware of the consequences of incorrect handling of certain materials. The flow of information between the car manufacturer and the repairer plays a very important role, which is known to be inadequate in many cases. The consequences are incorrectly carried out repairs, reworking and recourse claims.

Carbon GmbH supplies you with the complete technology – welding and MIG soldering – for the professional repair of modern vehicle bodies made of coated high-strength steel sheet, deep-drawn sheet and aluminum sheet. With duo, triple and quattro devices, you can achieve the most effective use in your workshop. We will be happy to advise you.

inverta puls ip4

InvertaPuls IP 4-3 ACT
The MULTITALENT for the bodywork professional for steel welding, MIG brazing and aluminum welding.
Welding. With connections for 3 hose packages. A perfectly coordinated welding machine
on vehicle repair.

CS 208 Carmig 3000

Article no. CS-208
CARMIG 3000 triple, 3x 400 V
Triple system: MIG aluminum welding,
MAG welding and MIG brazing without retooling. Programmed for most car panels.


Lieferumfang CS-250

Artikel-Nr. Beschreibung
CS-270 Schweißschild, selbstabblendend
CS-271 Kabelhalter
CS-272 Schweißhandschuhe
CS-213 Gasdüse
CS-211 Stromkontaktdüsen MIG-Löten, 10 Stück
CS-210 Stromkontaktdüsen Alu-Schweißen, 5 Stück
CSD-802 AlSi5 Alu-Schweißdraht, 0,8 mm, 0,5 kg
CSD-803 AlSi12 Alu-Schweißdraht, 0,8 mm, 0,5 kg
CSD-804 AlMg5 Alu-Schweißdraht, 0,8 mm, 0,5 kg
CSD-808 CuSi3 Lötdraht, 0,8 mm, 5 kg Rolle

Accessory package

Scope of delivery CS-250

Artikel-Nr. Beschreibung
CS-270 Schweißschild, selbstabblendend
CS-271 Kabelhalter
CS-272 Schweißhandschuhe
CS-213 Gasdüse
CS-211 Stromkontaktdüsen MIG-Löten, 10 Stück
CS-210 Stromkontaktdüsen Alu-Schweißen, 5 Stück
CSD-802 AlSi5 Alu-Schweißdraht, 0,8 mm, 0,5 kg
CSD-803 AlSi12 Alu-Schweißdraht, 0,8 mm, 0,5 kg
CSD-804 AlMg5 Alu-Schweißdraht, 0,8 mm, 0,5 kg
CSD-808 CuSi3 Lötdraht, 0,8 mm, 5 kg Rolle

Spot Welding Machine

Invertaspot GT

The automatic process-controlled spot welding inverter is absolutely uncomplicated in operation and safe in the application. The GT-Automatic automatically detects and measures the body panel configuration. Pressure, ampere and time are automatically optimal regulated and controlled. Manual parameter finding is not necessary.

Technical data

Carmig 2000 Triple

Technical data CS-209

Artikel-Nr. 082000
Netzspannung 3 x 400 V – 50 / 60 Hz
Triple +
Duo -
Stromeinstellbereich 15 – 220
Träge Sicherung 16 AT
Schaltstufen 10, 210 A / 30 %, 160 A / 100 %
Schutzklasse 21
Programm +
Drahtvorschub 2 x 4-Rollen, 1 x 2-Rollen
Maße L x B x H (mm) 795 x 940 x 570
Gewicht (kg) 83
Norm EN 609747-1
Drahtstärke 0,6 – 1,0
Rollendurchmesser max. D / K 300
V/A -
Watercooling -

Carmig 3000 Triple

Technical data

Artikel-Nr. 103000
Netzspannung 3 x 400 V – 50 / 60 Hz
Triple +
Duo -
Stromeinstellbereich 18 – 280
Träge Sicherung 16 AT
Schaltstufen 20, 250 A / 40 %, 190 A / 100 %
Schutzklasse 21
Programm +
Drahtvorschub 2 x 4-Rollen, 1 x 2-Rollen
Maße L x B x H (mm) 900 x 720 x 470
Gewicht (kg) 115
Norm EN 609747-1
Drahtstärke 0
Rollendurchmesser max. D / K 300
V/A +
Watercooling -

CBR Components

CBR Strong-Tool Item-ID: CBR-ST-00

Single foot for CBR Strong-Tool Item-ID: ST-30

Double foot for CBR Strong-Tool Item-ID: ST-60

Extension for CBR Strong-Tool Item-ID: ST-80

CBR EasyTool Item-ID: CBR-ET-00

Feet for CBR EasyTool

CBR LineTool 160 Item-ID: CBR-LT-00

Single foot for CBR LineTool Item-ID: LT-30

Double foot for CBR LineTool Item-ID: LT-60

CBR LineTool 100 Item-ID: CBR-LT-100

Second Pull-Unit for CBR LineTool Item-ID: CBR-LT-200

CBR LeverTool Item-ID: CBR-LV-00

Single foot for CBR LeverTool Item-ID LV-30

Double foot for CBR LeverTool Item-ID: LV-60

CBR Pull-Hammers Item-ID CBR-ZH-01 | CBR-ZH-02

CBR Hammers Item-ID: H01-HG| H03-H | H03-V

CBR Earth Clamp Item-ID: CBR-MK-00a

Handle with button Item-ID: CBR-C1-10

Handle without button Item-ID: CBR-C1-14

CBR Gluing-Technology Set Item-ID: MKS-100

CBR GlueTech+ Item-ID: MGT-400

Optionales Zubehör PushPull

CBR PushPull Klemme, breit


Einstellbares Verbindungsrohr, 170 mm

Einstellbares Verbindungsrohr, 290 mm




Kette 2 m



Ausbeulklatsche, blau

Ausbeulklatsche, rot

Scope of delivery CBR PushPull
Economy kit

CBR-PP-02 CBR PushPull Economy Kit Quantity
PP-034 Clamp 1
PP-035 Universal clamp 1
PP-060 Extension tube 125 mm 1
PP-061 Extension tube 170 mm 1
PP-062 Extension tube 300 mm 1
PP-063 Extension tube 500 mm 1
PP-077 Propeller 1
PP-020 Adjustable body hooks 2
PP-075 Double adapter 2
PP-074 Single adapter 2
PP-039 Bolt 41 mm / Splint 4

Scope of delivery CBR PushPull
Standard Kit

CBR-PP-01 CBR PushPull Standard Kit (Case) Quantity
PP-005 Adapter with external thread 1
PP-006 Adapter with female thread 2
PP-063 Extension tube 500 mm 1
PP-062 Extension tube 300 mm 1
PP-061 Extension tube 170 mm 1
PP-060 Extension tube 125 mm 1
PP-10 CBR Compressed Air Press 1
PP-008 Serrated saddle 1
PP-013 Wedge head 1
PP-014 Pull hook 2
PP-010 Collar toe 1
PP-011 Plunger toe 1
PP-012 Groove adapter 1
PP-007 Rubber buffer 1
PP-009 Support foot 1
PP-086 Bit hook for PushPull 1

Scope of delivery PushPull trolley

CBR-PP-00 CBR PushPull System Quantity
PP-034 Clamp 1
PP-035 Universal clamp 1
PP-060 Extension tube 125 mm 2
PP-061 Extension tube 170 mm 2
PP-062 Extension tube 300 mm 2
PP-063 Extension tube 500 mm 2
PP-077 Propeller 1
PP-020 Adjustable body hooks 2
PP-075 Double adapter 2
PP-074 Single adapter 2
PP-039 Bolt 41 mm / Splint 4
PP-005 Adapter with external thread 1
PP-006 Adapter with female thread 2
PP-10 CBR Compressed Air Press 1
PP-008 Serrated saddle 1
PP-013 Wedge head 1
PP-014 Pull hook 2
PP-010 Collar toe 1
PP-011 Plunger toe 1